
Say NO to Nuclear Weapons and Fission Power. – Soumya Dutta

Remembering Nagasaki (and Hiroshima and Three Mile Island and Chernobyl and Fukushima…..and the many other nuclear fission power related accidents).

On August 9, 1945, 11:02 am, the 2nd Nuclear fission bomb, a Plutonium bomb named “fat man”, was dropped on Nagasaki. This was more powerful than the U-bomb, “little boy” dropped on Hiroshima. In the unimaginably powerful blast, the city was devastated. In the blast and subsequent radiation exposure, around 80,000 people died.

Today, over 13,800 Nuclear bombs, each far more destructive than “little boy” or “fat man”, are in store of 9 countries, with many other “aspiring Nations” trying time and again to get to that Nuk power ‘status’. Over 30% of these wespons are said to be in near readiness to launch at short notice. And with 600-700 Nuclear warheads in our volatile region of India-Pakistan-China, we are living in the most dangerous nuk-trigger zone. NO MORE NAGASAKI – SAY NO TO NUKES.