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On the eve of World Environment Day, join Public Talk – LIVE on

On the eve of World Environment Day, join Public Talk:

‘State of Climate Movement: India and the World’
with Soumya Dutta,
activist and co-convenor, South Asian People’s Action on Climate Crisis (SAPAAC)

6:30 pm, 4th June (Thursday)

The struggle to recognise climate change as a very real phenomenon in need of urgent attention and action, has taken a significant blow in the last few years. In just the last month, we have borne witness to a government eager to dilute the Environmental Impact Assessment regulations and which hurriedly pushed through the opencast mining project in Dehing Patkai which further contributes to emissions. Modi’s pet project, the hyped Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train threatens the ecosystem of mangrove forests in the region.

The US, in 2017, had even withdrawn from the feeble Paris Agreement. In 2019, while the Amazon burnt, Jair Bolslonaro’s government showed astounding apathy, while at the same time rolling back environmental protections to encourage further corporate exploitation of Nature. The current Australian government has shown willingness to continue dependence on coal, and reverse efforts to use renewable sources of energy. All over the world, political regimes have cosied up to capital, and continue the exploitation of nature and contributing to rise in global temperatures, and principles like equity and justice exist only on paper.

As the Covid-19 pandemic wrecks devastation across the world, and as capitalist order increasingly adopts more authoritarian tactics, vulnerable communities struggling for their right to resources are threatened by greater repression. Also, in the name of economic growth, fossil fuels may get further entrenched, plundering the nature for the profits of the big corporates.

It is in this context, on the eve of the World Environment Day, that we invite you to join us in a discussion to reflect on the current status of the climate movement both in India and the world.